Social Ecology ABC

The workshop’s ABC is designed as a kind of glossary for the field of Social Ecology. Its aim is to take a critical, yet as constructive a look as possible at the factors determining the times in which we live, with a view to overcoming them. Although it aims to be truthful, we make no claim to universal knowledge. Each explanatory element can only provide a partial answer or orientation, which in no way closes the subject but rather invites debate.
It is through the articulation and interrelation of its components that we hope to be able to shed light on the conditions of life in today’s society, and on how we might extricate ourselves from them – both socially and individually, one not going without the other. It is as resolute explorers of the opacity that conditions the form of organizational domination in today’s society that we shall attempt to move forward along this path.
Considering this society to be perfectly infamous and degrading for all, we hope to be able to contribute in our own way to the demand for its replacement, by making this infamy more visible.

Find our evolving ABC here

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